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Getting Cream

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Weren't they generous!This story is about life in the old times a century ago when not everything was packed individually and hanging from a hook in a hardware store or cans lining shelves from end to end of a grocery store. One afternoon, a mother was planning to bake a birthday cake for the man of the house, but was out of cream. So she sent her daughter downtown with a cup and some coins to purchase some cream at the local produce. Along the way, some boys were lounging in the shade of a big, old elm and saw the beautiful girl come skipping along the path. Being polite, they asked what she was heading into town for. She told them her mother needed a cup of cream to bake a birthday cake. They anwered that they could help and and pulled out their eager pleasure poles and started stroking until they were hard and then one by one they each pumped out a quantity of thick, white cream into her cup while she watched totally enthralled at the fun they were obviously having! But they had not produced enough to fill the cup, so someone suggested that if she would lift her dress, maybe they could help her some more. Sure enough, seeing her pussy and watching her tickle her clit, which was ready for some activity by now, helped them achieve erections again and by the time they had all finished ejaculating the second time until their balls were completely empty, the cup had just about the right quantity for the birthday cake. She politely thanked them for their generosity and turned and went back home.Her mother was surprised that she was back home so soon because it was quite a walk into town, so she asked her how she got back home so soon. The girl replied, "Oh, some boys helped me."



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